Foreign language text can sometimes be cut and pasted from Microsoft Word, from other programs, or from a Web site into Alice say and think method tiles or as Alice 3D text. For example, the Greek language phrase "

(Aristotle was a student of Plato) can be cut and pasted from Word into Alice as the text for a 3D text object. The AltaVista Babel Fish Translation Web site { is one of many sites you can use to translate text from English into another language. Some of the translated text will work in Alice, and some will not, depending on the language and the typeface used to display the language. Create a simple Alice world with text in one or more languages other than English. Start by picking a few simple phrases, enter them into the Babel Fish Web site, and translate them to see how well they work. You can reenter them into Babel Fish and cut and paste the translation from Babel Fish into Alice as needed while you develop your world,