1) An electron is moved through a region with an electric potential defined by the equipotential lines shown (position is given in meters, time is given in seconds, and electric potential is given in volts).
Give the work done by the external force in eV

The points are (-7.3, 2.7) and (5.6, 2.2)
2) Give the work done by the external force in eV

The points are (-.7, 3.5) and (9.7,-5.1)
3) Give the work done by the external force in eV

Initial and ending points are (4.8,.6) and (-4.9,-2.8)
4) An equipotential plot is shown in the animation (position is given in meters and electric potential is given in volts). The electric potential is shown next to the electron. You can drag the red electron with the mouse. How much work must an external force do in order to move the red electron from [x, y] = [1.1m, -1.5 m] to [x, y] = [-1.6 m, 1.2 m]?