
You asked for the labs to be redone and the new results

A male patient was admitted to the hospital their lab results came back which made you feel uneasy. The results indicated that the patient had the flowing high levels of antibodies: Maternal IgG, Maternal IgM and Maternal IgA. You asked for the labs to be redone and the new results showed the following: high levels of Maternal IgG and Maternal IgA and high levels of IgM.

1. Why you did you reject the first set of results, explain your answer.

2. What can tell from the results as far as the age of the patient, explain your answer.

3. What could you tell from the results as far as what is wrong with the patient?

4. What other steps would you take to find what type of disease the patient has?

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Biology: You asked for the labs to be redone and the new results
Reference No:- TGS02410198

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