Goal: The purpose of this lab is to demonstrate an understanding of constructors.
Problem: You are working in GMU's HR department. HR is responsible for tracking employee data to include: name, idNumber, department, and if orientation was attended. Whenever a new employee is hired, not all data is always available. You figure out data is always available in one of the following combinations:
- The ID number and name are known, but the department is not
- The ID number is known, but the name and department are not
- The ID number, name, and department are all known
If orientation was attended is never known. The following employees currently exist:
- ID: 5678. Name = Mary Contrary. The department is unknown
- ID: 1234; Name = Stu Dyalot; Department = AIT
- ID: 2468; Name = Julian Date. The department is unknown
Create an object-oriented solution to:
- Simulate the creation of these three employees with a message noting all employees have been loaded
- Creates a fourth employee from user input, entering only an ID number and name
- Provides a menu of all four employees with the opportunity to mark employees as having attended orientation, until the user indicates they are finished.