
You are working as a tourism consultant for visitbritain

The purpose of this assignment

This unit enables learners to gain understanding of visitor attractions, visitor types, impacts and tourist motivation theories, issues affecting its development process and management techniques and their impact on sustainability.

Task 1 (LO1, AC1.1, 1.2, M1, M2, M3, D1, D2, D3)


You are working as a Tourism Consultant for VisitBritain which plays a unique role in  building England's tourism product and increasing the volume and value of tourism exports; while developing England and Britain's visitor economy. Working with a wide range of partners in both the UK and overseas, your mission is to grow the volume and value of inbound and domestic tourism across the nations and regions of Britain and to develop world-class tourism products.

You are required to write an article to be published in a travel and tourism journal based on your visits to the National Maritime Museum, Greenwich Park, and The Queen's House and you should also research a range of attractions in the United Kingdom to support your discussion and analysis.

Your article should be in Word format and professionally structured with headings and subheadings, page numbers and relevant facts and figures. approx. 1000 words. Your article must address 1.1 and 1.2 given below:

1.1 Discuss the overlap of visitor attractions in relation to particular types of attraction.

1.2 Analyse the importance of different visitor attractions.

Task 2 (LO2, AC2.1, 2.2, 2.3, M1, M2, M3, D1, D2, D3)

Scenario for Task 2

You are still working as a Tourism Consultant with VisitBritain and you have been asked to provide a management report that will encourage the marketing department to provide better-targeted product development for United Kingdom Attractions. You can reflect on your visits and observations at the National Maritime Museum, Greenwich Park, and The Queen's House or research a range visitor attractions in the UK.

The report should address 2.1, 2.2, and 2.3 below:

2.1 Evaluate the needs and motivations of different visitor types

2.2 Evaluate impacts of tourism on visitor attractions in the United Kingdom

2.3 Analyze the effect of different theories of tourist motivation on the management of visitor attractions.

Task 3 (LO3, AC3.1, M1, M2, M3, D1, D2, D3)

Your next task as a Tourism Consultant is to explore the development process for establishing a theme park "The London Resort" in Swanscombe Peninsula, Kent by the London Resort Company Holdings Limited (LRCH). The theme park is set to open in 2023. You are required to write a magazine article where you discuss the processes and the potential issues involved in the development of visitor attractions. You can consider issues such as location, funding, stakeholders, attraction management, tourism consultants, local authorities, local communities, tourist boards, private enterprise, public sector, pressure groups, tourism, organisations, and technology. You should address 3.1 below:

3.1 Discuss the processes and the potential issues involved in the development of visitor attractions.

Task 4 (LO4, AC4.1, 4.2, M1, M2, M3, D1, D2, D3)

As a Tourism Consultant, you should explore the techniques available to managers of visitor attractions and how they can be used to achieve sustainability. Please provide a detailed management report with examples from at least three case studies to be presented to senior management of various attractions in the United Kingdom addressing 4.1 and 4.2 below:

4.1 Analyse different visitor management strategies

4.2 Evaluate management techniques in relation to sustainability.

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Operation Management: You are working as a tourism consultant for visitbritain
Reference No:- TGS02759169

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