You are using the RSA algorithm to encrypt and decrypt messages. Your public key is n = 119 and e = 37.
(a) Determine the prime factorization of n; that is, find your prime numbers p and q. Note that this is the expensive step that Eve would have to undertake to "crack" your encryption; it should be fairly straightforward with the small n used here.
(b) Calculate GCD(e, φ(n)). Is e a valid encryption key?
(c) What is the decryption key: d = 7, d = 13, or d = 25? Justify your answer.
(d) You receive the encrypted message a = 32. What is the (decrypted) message?
Note: You might find slides 38 and 40 of the lecture notes very helpful for this problem. Slides 18 and 25 also define GCD and φ(n), respectively