Choose ONE of the following options to complete and submit:
Option 1 - You are unique. You have relationships and experiences unlike others. By understanding childhood one gains a greater understanding of adulthood. For this assignment define child development and develop a "timeline" of significant dates, events, and/or people that you perceive contributed to your development as a child. The timeline should incorporate the age period from infancy through adolescence. There is flexibility with this assignment but you might have columns with dates, events, and/or relationships indicated or you might prefer making a drawing indicating these components and scan it as an attachment.
Option 2 - Respond to the following questions:
In thinking about child development who is or has been a "model" for you?
What are some things you perceive as learning as a child through observing this model?
Who do you perceive being a significant model for?
What are others learning by observing you as a model?