
you are to write a property management database

You are to write a property management database program that allows a real estate agent to view, add, search, and save property listings. The program is to do the following:

1. On start-up, the program is to prompt the user for the property listings filename (the sample file provided is called properties.txt). The file contains the street address, suburb and price (in whole dollars) of each property listed by the agent. Once opened, the program is to read the data for each property from the file into a single array of structs.

A number of sample lines (two properties) from this file appear below and an entire sample file can be found on the subject web site. (Please note this format as your program must work with this, including the blank line at the end of the file.)

10 Napier St.

Palm Cove


47 Darkien Cl.

Smithfield Heights


2. Once you have read in all of the data, the program is to display a menu and prompt the user for their selection, as follows:

CPProperty - Menu:

1 - List all properties

2 - Property search

3 - Add a property

4 - Save property list

5 - Exit

Please enter option:

3. You are to use a switch statement for the menu selection and implement each option (except exit) as a function (you can have other functions as appropriate). The menu items above are to perform the following tasks (use the sample output below as a guide):

1 - Display all properties in the property list (in the order they were in the file)

2 - Search for and display properties up to a maximum value entered by the user

3 - Add a property to the property list (in memory, not the file yet)

4 - Save the current list of properties to a file. The user is to be prompted for the filename, and the property list is to be saved to the specified file. If the file exists, it is to be overwritten.

5 - Exit the program.

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Database Management System: you are to write a property management database
Reference No:- TGS0206134

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