
You are to write a program to compute statistics on a list

Programming Assignment #2

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The Exam Statistics Program


You are to write a program to compute statistics on a list of exam scores, the Exam Statistics Program (ESP). The input is the name of a text file that contains the number of scores followed by the list of scores. (See the example below.) You should then display the following information:

• The number of scores

• The minimum, maximum, and average scores

• The number of As, Bs, Cs, Ds, and Fs, using a 90-80-70-60 scale.

For full credit, you must use at least one function/method, and you must use an array to store the list of exam scores.

Sample Run

Below is an example of what your program may look like. It does not have to be identical. The user's input appears in italics (purple).

***Welcome to the Exam Statistics Program!!***

Please enter the name of your data file: esp.txt

Minimum score: 72

Maximum score: 92

Average score: 82.5

Number of scores by letter grade:

A: 1

B: 3

C: 2

D: 0

F: 0

There are 6 scores.

Here is the sample input file esp.txt:







72 MCIS 503 Programming Assignment #2 Dr. Jeremy Lanman

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Additional Requirements

Compute the median score in addition to what the program already does. To compute the median, sort the scores and the score in the middle is the median. If there is an even number of scores, average the two scores in the middle to obtain the median. So, in the sample score list above, the median would be 83.0.

Hand In

In a single MS Word document a listing (print-out) of your program source code and the print-out or screen shot of a sample run output


• Don't forget to write comments (javadoccompatible), and remember to indent properly.

• Include pre- and post-conditions for your functions/methods. (That is, the comments should state what the function does, and what it needs to do it.)

• Do this project in phases: first just get the data to read from the file, then do the easy statistics first (min, max, avg) and save the number of each letter grade for last.

• Your program should handle any number of scores (no upper limit). You may assume all scores are 0-100.

• Utilize the submission template provided in the course module.

• Start early!

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JAVA Programming: You are to write a program to compute statistics on a list
Reference No:- TGS01558392

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