
You are to write a program that serves as a partial

You are to write a program that serves as a partial inventory processing systems for a large toy store corporation. Each day, this company has inventory shipped from producers of toy products to its main warehouse location. The warehouse staff needs to enter the daily shipments into an automated process to track what has been received for the day.

Every business day, the toy producers send truck deliveries of products to the toy store corporation's warehouse. The deliveries are comprised of toy products packaged in shippable cardboard boxes/cases. The quantity of the toys inside the shipping cases varies between producers. For example, the ABC Action Figure Company packages their products in cardboard boxes that contain 36 packages toys (routinely called toy units in the toy store organization), while the PeeWee Doll Company ships their products in cases containing 24 toy units.

Each case received also has a wholesale price associated with it (the quantity of money that the toy store corporation paid for the toys inside the case). This wholesale cost also varies between toy producers and the type of product purchased. For example, the wholesale cost of Transplant Action Figures from the ABC Action Figure Company is $33.99 per shipping case, while the wholesale cost of Dinoblip Action Figures is $23.99.

The toy store corporation categorizes products they sell into certain sales categories to assess the sales of these products groups over the sales year. Each case of toy products received by the organization falls into one of these categories. For example, MTB Baseball Gloves are tracked as part of the Boys Toys category, while Brubie Dolls are categorized as Girls Toys.

The toy store corporation desired to have an automated process that allows an employee to enter the number of cases for a toy product received, the quantity of toy units packaged per case received, and the wholesale cost per case received. The employee would enter this information for each type of toy received (will usually be many type of products per day), and from the results of these many inputs, have a summary counts that calculate the number of cases, number of toy units, and total cost of toy units received for the day. In addition, the corporation desires to see the summary counts broken down by each individual sales category for the day's shipments.

The 5 sales categories used by the accounting division of the corporation are as follows:

Sales Category 1: Boys Toys
Sales Category 2: Girls Toys
Sales Category 3: Baby Toys
Sales Category 4: Adult Games
Sales Category 5: Miscellaneous Toys

Your team's system analyst has captured some of the requirements requested by the users and created facsimiles of the desired prompts to be displayed to the operator:

For the entry of number of cases received for a toy product each day:

Enter the number of cases received for the toy product:
Then for each toy product; the wholesale cost, number of toys per case, and the Sales Category (the organization desires numerical values to identify each Sales Category):

Toy product Sales Category:
Wholesale Price of toy product case: $ Number of toy units per case:

When user input of all case shipments is complete, the following summary information should be displayed to the user:
Warehouse Shipping Processing Complete. Total Cases Received at Warehouse:
Total Toy Units Received at Warehouse:
Total Wholesale Cost of Shipments Received: $

Total Sales Category 1 Toy Units Received:
Total Sales Category 1 Wholesale Cost Received: $

Toy Units
Total Sales Category 2 Wholesale Cost Received: $

Toy Units
Total Sales Category 3 Wholesale Cost Received: $

Toy Units
Total Sales Category 4 Wholesale Cost Received: $

Toy Units
Total Sales Category 5 Wholesale Cost Received: $


The number of cases for toy shipment will never be less than zero, however, the organization desires a numeric zero value to identify when the user has finished all his inputs for the days shipments. A textual prompt should be added to the user display to identify that entering a zero will end the user input process and begin the final summary calculation.

The number of toy units per case will never be less than zero (and processing should not allow that).
The wholesale cost of a toy shipment case will never be less than zero (and processing should not allow that). There are only 5 numeric sales categories and no other sales category identifiers will be entered (and processing
should not allow that).

The numeric values displayed for the summary information on the number of cases received and the number of toy units received should be in Integer form. The numeric values displayed for the summary information wholesale cost should be displayed with the standard format used in United States Currency.

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Basic Computer Science: You are to write a program that serves as a partial
Reference No:- TGS01488415

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