Problem - You are to obtain a 10-K (Annual Report) of a publicly traded company. The best place to access the 10-K is at, the web site of the Securities and Exchange Commission. Pick a 10-K small enough, maybe 50 - 75 pages. Choose December 31, 2016 or a date sometime in 2016 OR 2015, certainly no older than December 31, 2014.
Answer the following 20 questions and furnish either the 10K itself or the link to the financial statement. Indicate next to each answer the page number of the 10-K where you found your answer. Failure to follow any of these steps will result in your earning no points.
1. Name the President or Chief Executive Officer of the company;
2. Name the CFO or Controller of the company;
3. Describe the product or service provided by the company;
4. Which accounting firm performed the annual audit?
5. What type of opinion did the audit firm provide on the financial statements and on internal controls?
6. Indicate the total dollar amount of assets;
7. What was the net income (loss) for the period?
8. Indicate the Earnings Per Share and Fully Diluted Earnings Per Share of the Company;
9. Did the company acquire any fixed assets during the year? How much did it spend?
10. Did the company pay any dividends? How much did it spend?
11. Was the company involved in any litigation at year end?
12. Calculate the company's current ratio for the year;
13. Calculate the average collection period for the company's accounts receivable;
14. Calculate the average turnover period for the company's inventories;
15. Did net income increase or decrease from the prior year? By what percent?
16. How many common shares of stock are authorized? How many issued?
17. How many preferred shares are authorized? How many are issued?
18. What depreciation methods are used?
19. Does the company have a pension plan? What type?
20. Would you be inclined to invest in or work for the company? Why?