
You are to locate any video related to hr and hiring and

You are to locate any video related to HR and Hiring and provide a summary for the video chosen. The summary is to be 250 words (or a little more). Provide the name of the video(s) at the top of your page and the applicable web link. You may look for video by doing a google search, YouTube, or NU Films on Demand.

This assessment is to be your own work, so a summary of the video(s) in your own words is expected. Do not cut and paste any of a summary if one is provided - use your own words to summarize what the video(s) is about. Take notes as you watch the video(s) and use your notes and memory to produce a well written summary of the main points. Proper use of the English language is expected to include grammar, punctuation and spelling.

The Video Summary is to be turned in using the link in Class Folders in Blackboard. Turn your summary in using a Word file.

  1. Concise and well written summary
  2. Key points, reported facts, takeaways
  3. Tie in to human resources
  4. Your personal observation/opinion/related event
  5. 250 words (or a little more)

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Business Management: You are to locate any video related to hr and hiring and
Reference No:- TGS02247997

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