
You are to interview three 3 people of a different ethnic

Essay one: Race/Ethnicity

You are to interview three (3) people of a different ethnic background than yourself. They can be male or female. Try to get people of different age ranges, i.e. 20s, 30, 40s, 50s, 60s.You are to ask them about their experiences in living in the United States in reference to race/ethnicity. Do not ask leading questions, for example do not ask "how many times have you been discriminated against?" You do not want to assume they have, so instead you should ask "have you had any experiences of discrimination?" Allow them to speak in their own words.Your role in to listen. You should take notes during the interviews.

The interviews are your raw data. You are then to analyze that information, using the terms/concepts from the appropriate chapters. Write a 2-3 page paper detailing what you learned? What did you learn about race/racism in America that you did not know (If anything)? Can you offer any suggestions or ideas to make race relations improve?

Your paper should be college-level language, typed, approximately 2-3 pages in length, double-spaced, fonts 11-12pt, margins 1 inch. No extra spaces between paragraphs.

Essay two

Writing Assignment 1

Place of Cultural Significance

You are to visit a place of sociological significance or museum of importance. For Example: Bowers Museum, The Museum of Tolerance, The Getty, The California Museum of African American History, any of the missions, The Natural History Museum, and science center. If you are thinking of a place not listed and are not sure it would qualify please ask me prior to attending.

You are to write a 2 page paper detailing your experience at the event/place of your choice, what you saw? And how does this relate to our class? Paper should be double spaced and appropriate fonts and margins.

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English: You are to interview three 3 people of a different ethnic
Reference No:- TGS01731774

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