
You are to develop a computerized version of the tv game

A Software Engineering Jeopardy Game

You are to develop a computerized version of the TV game show Jeopardy. Your version is to have categories and questions related to software engineering. You will need thirteen categories of questions: six for the first round, six for the second round and one for final jeopardy. Each category will have five sets of questions increasing in difficulty and points. (If you have never seen the game played, you can it on TV on any weeknight. You can also play a version online at www. Jeopardy.com.)

Ten of the thirteen categories must be from the following list. The other three categories can be anything you like related to software engineering (or others from this list). The list of categories is as follows:

1. software life cycle
2. process improvement techniques and process tradeoffs
3. cost and effort analyses and estimation techniques
4. requirements issues and team issues
5. software metrics and models
6. project management issues, including risk mitigation
7. design principles and techniques
8. software testing
9. software quality assurance
10. configuration management
11. maintenance
12. security

you are to develop 3 questions for each of the 5 levels (easy to difficult) for each of the 13 categories. Since this game is to be computerized, one approach to playing the game to make each question multiple-choice with no less than four choices for each question. Therein lays the difficulty, namely, to develop good distracters for each multiple choice question, and never using "none of the above" as a choice. In final jeopardy, only one appears, and it should be from one of the two hardest levels in a category.

Other requirements:

1. The game should have visual appeal (e.g., graphical user interface, art work, etc.)

2. Use visual indications of questions timed out, correct and incorrect answers, and special occurrences such as the daily double. Audible enhancements to your game are encouraged.

3. Players need to be able to enter a name or choose an identity for themselves

4. Mark questions used so that they don't reappear in your game until all questions have appeared. In other words, the player should not see a question repeated until after playing your game at least 3 times, since there are 3 questions for each level.

5. Time each question and the entire round, timing out when the maximum time is reached.

6. Play two rounds and a final jeopardy.

7. Keep score, and track the three scores, showing the names of those players and their scores at the beginning and/or of the game.

8. Subtract points, and keep the value of the categories consistent with the TV jeopardy game (100, 200,300,400,500 in the first round, doubling these in the second round, and then allowing a player to bet as much as he/she wants in final round, assuming that the person has a positive total).

9. Consider timing issues such as the time to choose a category and question from the playing board, the time to respond or pass, the time to choose an answer, the time for round to be played, and the time for final jeopardy.

10. Include random "daily doubles", one in the first round, two in the second round.

11. The questions must be typed when turned in, with the correct answer clearly marked. Show also the page number in the book where the question originated.

12. You can use the format "question, 4 answers", or "answer, 4 questions", like the TV show. Just be consistent.

13. Each question should have no less than 4 choices to choose from. Label your choices a, b, c, d.

14. Include one new "feature" as a surprise for your customer that you feel would enhance the game.

15. The set of questions should be "separate" from the functionality so that the game could be used easily in other disciplines, or with different sets of questions.

16. In each round, have one question given by a video that shows some on-location person giving the clue orally or a scene that suggests the answer.

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Software Engineering: You are to develop a computerized version of the tv game
Reference No:- TGS02187567

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