
You are to add mean standard deviation and insert in order


You are to add mean, standard deviation, and insert in order functionality to your statistics list program.

Insert in order means that you will add a function called find_index that will locate the place in the array that a new value should be inserted.

It will then call insert_at, which will move the appropriate, existing elements of the array so that the new element may be inserted in its proper index. So insert_at will be called by find_index, which will be called by insert_in_order.

Insert_in_order reads in each new value and calls find_index with it, setting off a chain as described above that ends with each element inserted at the right index so that the array is assembled in order.

So, selection_sort can be removed from your program.

You will also modify your program to accept input from an input file and print a report to an output file.

These files are to be named by the user at runtime. The output report is to add the array values, in whatever order they are in, the mean, median, and standard deviation in a neat, tabular format of your choice.

I will supply a list of double values file that you will use to test your program, so you require not turn in an input or output file.

Name your .cpp file firstName_LastName_statListTwo.cpp and submit it to moodle by the assigned date.

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JAVA Programming: You are to add mean standard deviation and insert in order
Reference No:- TGS0958384

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