
You are the svp of human resources for a financial software

Assignment: Layoffs Memo (p.277, Number 16)

You are the SVP of Human Resources for a financial software company that has 7,500 employees. The company has decided to sell AccountSoft, one of its major products. The software has suffered declining sales for the past two years, and it no longer fits with the new mission of the company, which is to sell to small businesses and individuals, rather than larger accounting firms (currently 95% of AccountSoft's buyers).

You will have individual conversations with employees who are affected by the layoffs, but first you advise the CEO to send an email to all employees to announce the decision to sell AccountSoft and to prepare employees for the downsizing and what will happen next.

As you write this memo for the CEO to send under his name, consider that not all employees from the AccountSoft division will be laid off. The software developers will go to the acquiring firm, Accounting Support Services, Inc., but the sales and marketing staff (about 150 people) will be leaving the firm. This was your agreement with Accounting Support Services, as part of the acquisition deal.

Write the memo to communicate the decision clearly and help employees understand and accept the message.


Writing a memo announcing employee layoffs

1. The audience of this memo is all 7,500 current employees. Only some of these employees will be affected by the sale of AccountSoft, so a direct organizational plan can be effective.

2. Maintain a positive tone and highlight the benefits of this sale, while expressing empathy for employees who will leave the company.

3. Address the bad news directly-the layoffs of sales and marketing staff for AccountSoft- and ensure them that management will have individual conversations with each employee affected by layoffs.

4. Consider the larger group: other employees who will be staying with the company. Persuade employees that the rationale for selling AccountSoft is sound and that the company will be stronger in the future.

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Corporate Finance: You are the svp of human resources for a financial software
Reference No:- TGS02195329

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