Homework : You are the project manager of construction project in the City of Boston. The project has high visibility and the mayor has been receiving complaints. Your team provided you the data in the attached Excel file. Write a letter to the mayor that explains the status of the project.
How you analyze them. What does EVM,CPI, SPI, TCPI mean. The project is behind schedule and over budget, do opportunities exist to improve performance. Don't forget the paper is being prepared for the Mayor of Boston. It's a construction project. The mayor is not an engineer or contractor. To give your analysis flow consider breaking out your paper as follows:
Introduction - describe what's going on (schedule & cost)
Problem analysis - where and why is the project falling behind
Impact analysis - discuss dealing with the overruns (be creative - critical path)
Corrective action/conclusion - focus on assigning resources
Refer to your charts and always include scholarly outside the core curriculum of the course.