
You are the new superintendent of acme school district 50

Question: Part 1: Educational Leadership-Superintendent Specialization (15 Page Limit)

Review the scenario and read all of the documents presented in this section

Scenario: Taking action needed to address emerging diversity issues confronting the effective operation of your school district.

You are the new Superintendent of Acme School District # 50. Acme School District is comprised of five elementary schools grades preK-5, two middle schools grades 6-8, and one high school grades 9-12. Acme SD 50 enrolls 4, 250 students, employs 500 staff, and has a 7-member school board, none of whom have served on the board for more than 3 years.

Historically, Acme SD #50 has received ample community support. Sporting events and other after school programs including a strong fine arts program and academic competitions have resulted in the district being known as the hub of the community. Standardized test scores have consistently shown the district to be ranked in the top 20% in the state and highest in the county. Parent participation at events, volunteerism, and PTO support has existed at high levels.

Six years ago, the community supported a construction referendum at a 5:1 ratio among voters. At that time the median family income was $90,000 with per pupil expenditures at $8,800. There has been no record of deficit spending in the district.
Approximately five years ago, significant changes to the district's demographic data emerged. Previously the district demographic data showed 90% Caucasian, 5% Hispanic, and 3% African American and 2% other student enrollments. Today, data indicates 60% Caucasian, 30% Hispanic, and 5% African American 5% other enrollments. The changing population trends are attributed to job loss in the professional sector as well as a trend in which Hispanics and African Americans are assuming lesser paying jobs.

The increase in English Language Learner (ELL) populations has resulted in complaints that teachers do not understand the cultures of the students they are teaching. Student attendance rates have dropped from 97% to 84% over the last five years. ELL students consistently perform at lower levels on standardized tests, as many do not speak English proficiently. While the implementation of bilingual programs have resulted in marginal student growth, the fact remains that only 4% of employees speak Spanish, 95% of whom are Caucasian. Teacher turnover is minimal and teacher evaluations rank teachers as "exceeds"or"meets" expectations.In addition to declining test scores, student discipline rates have increased dramatically throughout the district. While 30% of enrolled students are Hispanic this subgroup constitutes 80% of all discipline referrals and 70% of out of school suspensions and expulsions.

The Acme SD #50 Board of Education, consisting of 3 Caucasians, 3 Hispanics, and 1 African American have charged you with conducting a comprehensive analysis of all pertinent factors negatively impacting student achievement in the district. That report will be due six months after your starting date. Following the presentation of that report, you are charged with setting new district goals and implementing action plans with time lines and accountabilities needed to substantially raise student achievement.

District Fact Sheet

1) The district has experienced a steady decline in student performance on standardized test scores over the past five years. Where once ranked as high as the top 15% in the state, the district is now ranked in the top 50% in the state.

2) The number of Acme SD #50 students who qualify for free or reduced lunch is 78%.

3) The Board of Education has noted a significant increase in parent/community complaints citing cultural clashes with students, teachers, and administrators.

4) The median family income has dropped from $90,000 six years ago to $61,000.

5) There is no vision or mission statement for the school district and the strategic plan has not been updated in 7 years.

6) An organization known as the League of Hispanic Voters has filed two complaints with the state board of education citing cultural insensitivity and verbal abuse by Caucasian teachers made towards Hispanic students.

Letter to the State Board of Education

Dear State Superintendent Smith:

As a Hispanic community, we take great pride in our family values, the future successes of our children, and making positive contributions to the community in which we live. As a growing population we know and understand the importance of a quality education and expect all of children to be college or career ready when they graduate high school. For that reason, the League of Hispanic Voters, representing two families, is submitting a formal complaint about one teacher and one dean of students working in the Acme School District #50.

On December 2ndof this school year, Mrs. Johnson, second grade teacher at Lincoln Elementary School, told her student Juanita Mendez that she and her kind should just go back from where they came, as Juanita was having difficulty with reading. Mrs. and Mr. Mendez met with the Principal Smith and filed a written complaint against the teacher. The complaint letter was in compliance with school board policy 5140.2 Parent Complaint Form #1a. Following an investigation, the Principal explained that there was not enough evidence to take any formal action against the Mrs. Johnson. The following day, Mrs. Johnson told Juanita that she would make sure she paid for telling on her. In both cases there were numerous students who witnessed the comments made by the teacher. Those same students told Mr. and Mrs. Mendez that no adult ever spoke to them about the incidences.

On January 21stof this school year, Mr. James, Dean of Students at Blissful High School commented to a group of Hispanic students, "What would you expect from the likes of your kind" when responding to a student asking, in Spanish, what was on the lunch menu that today.

The parents of the students followed district policies and procedures and again, nothing was done.

As a result of these two events, the parents of the students in both schools asked the League of Hispanic Voters to intervene. As such we are requesting that you conduct an investigation into the claims listed above and respond in writing no later than 1 month from receipt of this letter.


Jose Martinez


League of Hispanic Voters

Address each of the following Part 1: Comprehensive Exam (1 through 5) Questions:

(1) Identify at least two leadership theorists (Educational / Organizational), their theories, and their specific applications you would use as foundational constructs to facilitate your comprehensive analysis of all the pertinent factors negatively impacting student achievement in this district. (State the theorist, basic theoretical concepts, and the practical application of these theoretical concepts to facilitate your comprehensive analysis).

(2) After sharing the above foundational constructs, outline the steps that you would follow to achieve your district analysis by addressing three components in each step: the "order", the "strategic expectation", and the "rationale" for each step. Each step must address these criteria as defined below:

Order: In the outline steps to achieve your district analysis,

sequence them in the "order" you would implement them so the participants are clear as to the progression of this process.

Strategic expectation: What process is used during this step
and what is the outcome expected as a result of this step?

Rationale: Why is this expectation important to achieve within this process?

(3) Identify the stakeholders to be included in this district analysis process for determining the pertinent factors negatively impacting student achievement.

(4) Once the "pertinent factors" have been identified, what process would you use to prioritize these factors, and who would be involved in this process?

(5) Once these priorities have been identified, what process would you design to set new district goals, and design and implement action plans to achieve these goals?

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Dissertation: You are the new superintendent of acme school district 50
Reference No:- TGS02343983

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