
You are the manager at the local community health service

Assessment Task : Finding evidence in health and social care

This assessment needs to be structured as an essay. However, you will need to include the template to structure the PICO questions and these will be included in the essay.

Start with an introduction of what you plan to do and remember to include definitions and descriptions of the differences between research and evidence based practice.

You also need to include a discussion of what PICO is and why it is used in practice.

This is then followed by:

Consider each of these scenarios from practice:

As an adolescent health worker you are concerned about cyber bullying and that it maybe an issue for your clients.

You are the manager at the local community health service in a rural area and you are in charge of a multidisciplinary team. You notice that some of your staff often take sick days and you are concerned that they might be experiencing burnout.

You are a member of the health team in rural community health. Mrs Johnson, who is the carer of her husband who has advanced COPD, is seeking strategies to reduce his anxiety.

Then, for each of them, use the PICO format to:

develop an answerable clinical question

plan how you would obtain the best available evidence for practice

search for evidence.

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Dissertation: You are the manager at the local community health service
Reference No:- TGS02782660

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