You are the HR Manager of a large child care center. The CEO has asked you to prepare a 2-3 page paper addressing how to conduct comprehensive background checks on employees hired to work with children.
Write your 2-3 page paper in APA format and address the following questions:
- Which types of background checks will you recommend the company use during the hiring process?
- What are some guidelines that employers should follow when using each of these types of background checks?
- What are potential legal pitfalls that can occur with each type of background check?
The following are the minimum requirements to successfully complete the project:
- Use APA format: 12 pt. font, double spaced, indented paragraphs, citations, reference list, etc.
- Include introductory and summary paragraphs.
- Limit the use of direct quotations; instead, paraphrase and cite the author's work.
- Reinforce your personal opinions with outside references and cite all works used.