
You are the environmental compliance manager for a

ALL papers must be 5 pages, double-spaced, typed, in 12pt. Times New Roman font, and in proper essay format (see writing guide for assistance/further instructions). Review the writing guide - no outside sources!! It will be check with Turnitin.com

Directions: Applications of Utilitarianism

  • Selectone caseto write about (only one!!!!!!!)
  • You must use utilitarianism to assist you with this case (you can use act, rule, or both).
  • You must use at least one assigned reading from this section of the course to assist you (not PowerPoint/lecture notes).

What might an act utilitarian advise you to do in the following case scenarios? What might a rule utilitarian advise you to do in the same case scenarios? Give specific reasons to support your answer. Use class readings and discussions to support your answer.

1. You are the environmental compliance manager for a profitable, small plastics manufacturing company here in Maryland. Previous reports indicate that the factory's emission levels are just within the legal limits. Your office has conducted a new scientific study that predicts the next report will show that the emissions levels have surpassed the legal limit. You have some choices to make. The new technology to control emission levels is expensive and could cost your corporation a lot of money - thus resulting in some job cuts for some of your coworkers. One of your staff members said you should fudge the report until a cheaper alternative is found within the next year. What do you do?

2. You are a Director of Customer Service at YourFace. YourFace is the number one social networking site. The company has recently instituted a new policy that allows third party companies to access all private data of the entire subscriber base of YourFace. Some savvy customers have started contacting your office regarding what they are calling a breach of privacy. You are aware that these privacy breaches are real. Customer addresses, phone numbers and personal information are being given to thousands of companies in exchange for large profits to your company. What do you advise your staff to do in terms of alerting your users about this breach of privacy? Do you send out a mass message to all users on how to access their privacy settings or do you leave things as they are?

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Mathematics: You are the environmental compliance manager for a
Reference No:- TGS02254276

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