
You are the database administrator for data r us and you

You are the Database Administrator for "Data R Us" and you have been asked to research a set of online databases and determine what type of database they are; based of the four explanations of the DBMS above. Note: Some of the online databases below may or may not meet all the requirements of a specific database, so use your best judgment. You are not being graded on correct answers, rather how you organize your database for this Assignment.

Research the following Online Databases:

The Internet Movie Database (IMDb)

The Internet Public Library (IPL):

The Yellow Pages:

Popular Search Engine

You will develop a hypothesis that will help you to set up the criteria to determine the type of database you are reviewing. Please consider the controls for this experiment the definitions of each type of database provided above.

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Database Management System: You are the database administrator for data r us and you
Reference No:- TGS01084323

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