BMAN 33000 - Assessed report semester
You are tasked with producing a report on:
"Challenges to the pharmaceutical industry's blockbuster-driven business model, and the effectiveness of GlaxoSmithKline's strategies for meeting these challenges."
Query " form cosultancy perspective
Do I have to select a company
No of reference :
Words requirement :7
GlaxoSmithKline's strategies to meet with Challenges to the pharmaceutical industry's blockbuster-driven business model
You should specify your audience/client. These are the options:
Pension fund
Ethical investment fund
Subscription only industry reports service
Publishing arm of a consultancy firm
Respected business newspaper
Your report should consider:
Company, business press and analysts' narratives
‘Hard' data such as year on year sales growth, market share
Patent challenges
Shape of the pipeline
Share price
Academic perspectives on pharma and GSK, as appropriate
7 Pages maximum length - excluding bibliography (i.e. biblio' does not count)
FONT STYLE Font style should be Times New Roman
FONT SIZE Font size must be 12 point font
(on the Format > Font menu) Character scale must be 100% and spacing and position should be normal (the default options)
MARGINS Normal margins (2.5cm) must be used (top, bottom, left and right)
LINE SPACING Line spacing must be 1.5 lines.
ALIGNMENT Justified.