
You are required to write an essay within which you will

Capesize Bulk Carrier Trade

Assessment Task

You are required to write an essay within which you will identify and discuss the main factors that affect the capesize bulk carrier trade and identify whether 2012 has been a good year for capesize owners; you must justify your answer with data.

Assessment Criteria:

Demonstrating a clear understanding of the factors that influencethe capsize bulk carrier trade.

Identification and explanation of the market trends during 2012 including the use of pertinent data.

Presentation of essay and data and correct use of the Harvard method of referencing.


You will be required to answer 3 essay type questions from a total of 5 questions.

Learning Outcomes

The assessments will enable students to demonstrate in full the learning outcomes identified in the unit descriptors.

Extenuating Circumstances

The University's Extenuating Circumstances procedures are in place if there are genuine circumstances that may have affected your academic performance. Remember however you need to be ‘fit to study', this means that you can either submit your assessed work or declare extenuating circumstances, but you cannot do both.

Academic Misconduct

Any submissions must be your own work and, where facts or ideas have been used from other sources, these sources must be appropriately referenced. The University's Academic Handbook, includes the definitions of all practices that will be deemed to constitute academic misconduct. You should check this link before submitting your work.

Ethics Policy

The work being carried out by the student must be in compliance with the Ethics Policy. Where there is an ethical issue, as specified within the Ethics Policy, then the student will need an ethics release or an ethical approval prior to the start of the project.

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Microeconomics: You are required to write an essay within which you will
Reference No:- TGS01399630

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