
You are required to write a reflective analysis - compare

Assessment Task - Individual reflective analysis

Task: You are required to write a reflective analysis. You will undertake two comparisons:

- compare the issues identified in your group presentation with those from two other video presentations and,
- analyse your experience of teamwork in your group. You should refer to the plan completed at the beginning of the project.

You will also assess the contributions of your group members, based on commitments made at the beginning of the project.

Further guidelines for the analysis and the group member assessment will be posted on Canvas.

Purpose: this is designed to expand on your peer assessment by discussing two other group videos and arguments, add to your analytical and writing skills, to develop your skills as a reflective practitioner by focusing on your team experience.

Length: 2000 words plus completed peer assessment document.

Criteria used in the assessment of the reflection analysis
- clear demonstration of insight into the issues identified by the groups;
- appropriate and effective use of the selected examples;
- degree of analysis of your group experience;
- degree of evaluation of learning from that experience, and how that learning can affect personal and/or workplace practice, as a reflective practitioner;
- clear and concise writing style, correct spelling and grammar, and
- correct use of the Harvard system of citation.

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Dissertation: You are required to write a reflective analysis - compare
Reference No:- TGS02795732

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