A general medical centre wants to develop a simple Java application to convert client temperature from Celsius to Fahrenheit. The manager asked you to write a GUI application for Celsius to Fahrenheit temperatures conversion. The user should be able to enter a Celsius temperature, click a button, and then see the equivalent Fahrenheit temperature. Use the following formula to make t he conversion:
F = (9/5) C + 32 ....................................................(1)
Where F is the Fahrenheit temperature and C is the Celsius temperature.
Task Specifications
You are required to write a Java GUI application using Netbeans IDE. Your task is to design and code a Java program that will achieve the following:
- Design the required layout using layout manger.
- Select the proper GUI components with the required action.
- Display a window that allow the user to enter Celsius temperatures.
- Convert the Cel sius temperature to Fahrenheit temperature using equation (1).
- When the user clicks on the "Convert" button, a message to be shown with the Fahrenheit temperature.
- The program terminates when the user select exit.
- Program should be properly commented and i ndented.
Please note: You have to write the required java code without using NetBeans GUI Builder.