
You are required to view the film o brother where art thou

You are required to view the film O Brother, Where Art Thou? (2000). This film is a modern adaptation of the Odyssey, with many obvious, as well as obscure, references to the original story. You will be required to write a review on the film, providing the following:

• a short summary, noting the main similarities/differences to Homer's Odyssey

• main themes addressed in the film and how they compare to the book

• your personal response/reaction to the film in light of the themes explored

• and whether you think that this is a particularly effective use of modern popular culture in presenting classical themes of universal importance.

TIPS: During the film, you may want to take notes, especially listing the scenes you think provide references to the Odyssey. This will help you remember what you saw when you are writing up your review later. Pay close attention to the characters, the dialogue, as well as subtle background hints (for example, there is a scene in the restaurant where in the background there is a statue/portrait of Homer). The film is full of metaphors, just like the Odyssey is, and you may want to pay attention to some of these. The film director (Joel Coen) has obviously taken liberties with some of Homer's main themes in the Odyssey, and has adapted them/modified them, and created new ones of his own to suit the film's needs. In watching the film, you should try and appreciate the film's own artistic expression and try not to make a judgment of it based on how accurate it is of the Odyssey. The film was never intended to be a re-telling of Homer's Odyssey, but it is definitely inspired by it. Enjoy the film for what it is, but also keep in mind that your job is to discuss how the film makes use of the Odyssey.

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Other Subject: You are required to view the film o brother where art thou
Reference No:- TGS01134590

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