
You are required to understand and solve the following

As a part of evaluation process, you are required to understand and solve the following business case. Please submit the deliverable in the form of a PPT ( not more than 5 slides) and a word file ( not more than a page)

Also, Please send us a copy of following documents :

Proof of Internship experience - Payslip if applicable

Proof of professional experience - include Offer letter, Payslip and any other supporting documents


Paymatrix, a property rent management company has come up with the new IT solution called ' EZY PAY' to ease the workspace payments. Paymatrix is on a war footing to sell this new payment solution to "PANWORLD WORKSPACES". Panworld already has an existing payment solution called "Nexaworks" through which it is collecting rent payments. Panworld is reasonably satisfied with the Nexaworks, as it eases out the manual efforts required from the accounts officer to compile the payments. However they are open to explore new solutions if given appropriate value.

Now, as a sales officer of Paymatrix, you need to approach Panworld and convince them to subscribe for "Ezypay" solution.

We require you to create a sales pitch that can convince Panworld to either totally replace "Nexaworks" or bring in a synergy where "Ezypay" can co-exist with "Nexaworks".

Pitch to be in Power point format (Maximum 5 slides)

Address the following questions in Word file.

Say. it is assumed that you don't know anyone in Panworld. How shall you first approach the client ?

Say you are able to fix an appointment with the CEO of Panworld, and the meeting is for 10 mins at maximum. What are the points you would discuss with him?

Assumption : You have the freedom to choose whatever features you can think of for both Nexaworks and Ezypay.

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: You are required to understand and solve the following
Reference No:- TGS01688077

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