You are required to select an (one) application of Big Data in Supply Chain/logistics, Healthcare, Insurance, Marketing, Finance etc. of your choice. Discuss and compare the key values added by Big Data Solutions over traditional methods. You are to write a report on Big Data technology and services. Your report should address the following in the related context.
Task 1: What Big Data is, and the difference between Online and Offline Big Data
Task 2: How to select the right Big Data application for your business, project and desired outcomes.
Task 3: What are the technologies available in Big Data?
Task 4: Business Impact of Big Data
Task 5: Organizational Impact of Big Data.
All the above written tasks should be related to the application of Big Data you have chosen.
Assessment Criteria
Assessment Marking Criteria: Weighted out of 35%
1. Introduction
2. Difference between online and Offline Data
3. Strategy to select right Big Data application
4. Listed desired outcome from Big Data Solution
5. Discussion on Technologies used in Big data solutions
6. Business impact of Big Data
7. Organisational impact of Big Data
8. Conclusion
9. Quality of Information
10. Grammar Usage
11. References used
2000 words.
7 references.