
You are required to produce an individual report 3000 words

Question: Most importance: Assessments must be submitted via Turnitin, and the similarity must below 20%.

The original report is the most important.

The report structure must follow the Marking Rubric at the end of this assessment brief (in the attachments)

1. Introduction(800-900 words

2. Proposed solutions (three max) (About 1800 words)

3. Implementation plan, with key milestones and evaluation criteria ( about 300 words)

4. Conclusion (200 words)

Instructions for assessment: You are required to produce an individual report (3,000 words) based on a given HRM case scenario exploring and proposing recommendations to resolve the key HRM issues highlighted in the case scenario, together with an outline implementation on plan to support your recommendations.

You will find the case scenarios at the end of this assessment brief, together with the marking rubric.

This information is also available on Moodle, together with some examples of previous assessment, so you get a better understanding of the expectations.

The word limit for this assessment is 3,000 words, excluding references

Referencing: You MUST use the Harvard System.

Marking and feedback process: Between you handing in your work and then receiving your feedback and marks within 20 days, there are a number of quality assurance processes that we go through to ensure that students receive marks which reflects their work. A brief summary is provided below.

Step One - The module and marking team meet to agree standards, expectations and how feedback will be provided.

Step Two - A subject expert will mark your work using the criteria provided in the assessment brief.

Step Three - A moderation meeting takes place where all members of the teaching and marking team will review the marking of others to confirm whether they agree with the mark and feedback. A provisional mark will then be made available through Moodle.

Step Four - Work at Levels 5 and 6 then goes to an external examiner who will review a sample of work to confirm that the marking between different staff is consistent and fair.

Step Five - Your mark and feedback is processed by the School Office and following the Examination Board you will be informed of where to find the mark ratified by the Examination Board, plus any details about resist assessments, should you be required to complete a resit.

Case scenario - Work-life-balance and well-being in a professional services firm

CWP Services is a professional services firm that provides change management and HR consulting services to organizations, across a range of business sectors. CWP Services currently employs 13,500 staff, across Europe; 65% of the workforce is male and 35% female.

One of the firm's diversity management goals is to increase the percentage of female employees, especially those working in senior roles. However as with other professional service firms the nature of the work - client-focused, long hours working, often working away from home - is making it difficult for the organization to achieve this particular diversity goal.

Whilst in the past the firm has not found it difficult to attract and retain key talent, the organization has started to notice that the number of both young male and female applicants has started to decline. In addition, the number of staff leaving after 3 - 5 years with the firm has started to increase, particularly amongst those aged 35-45.

Results from the latest employee survey indicate that:

- Only 40% of staff is satisfied with their work-life balance. The survey results indicate that female employees and those working with International clients are the most dis-satisfied.

- Only 50% of staff feel that their manager is supportive when they raise personal issues relating to work-life-balance.

- Only 40% of staff feels that the range of flexible work options is sufficient to meet their changing needs.

- Staff that have opted for flexible working feel that their career has plateaued.

The senior partners of the firm have expressed concern about the latest employee survey results, as well as other key HR metrics. As the Director of HR for UK, Europe and the Middle East, you have been tasked with identifying what changes the firm could make to its flexible working and work-life-balance policies and procedures to address the concerns of staff, whilst at the same time providing a high level of service to clients.

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HR Management: You are required to produce an individual report 3000 words
Reference No:- TGS02692618

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