
you are required to prepare a program for

You are required to prepare a program for Assessment system of a University. The main idea is to evaluate the GPA (Grade Point Average) of each subject and then determine the GPA of whole semester and on the basis of that GPA compute the grade and remarks.

Detailed Description:

You are needed to take the student's marks for three subjects(English, Computer, and Calculus) as input from the user. After that calculate the GPA of each subject and the whole semester. Consider that total marks of a subject are 100 and each subject is of 3 credit hours.

Complete Assessment system is given below:



Marks Obtained




100 %




75-99 %




50-75 %




40-49 %




Below 40 %


  • GPA for a subject = (obtained marks / 100) * 4 where 100 is the total marks of a subject.

NOTE: If user enters less than 40 marks for a subject, the GPA of that subject should be 0.

  • GPA of whole semester = multiply each grade point you receive by the number of credit hours for that course, add up the totals, and then divide by the total number of credit hours taken in that semester.

       For example assume the GPA in subject A is 2.5, in subject B  2.6, and in subject C is 3. Considering that each subject is of 3 credit hours then GPA of whole semester will be evaluated as:

                                             =  3 * ( 2.5 + 2.6 + 3 ) / 9

                                             = 2.7

  • On the basis of Semester GPA, you have to give grade and remarks to the student
  • If a student has less than 40 marks in a subject, a message should show that "you have to repeat this subject ".
  • After displaying the GPA, grade and remarks, the program could ask the user if he/she wants to perform this task again. The user will be provided two options (yes / no). If user enters "Y or y", the program will start evaluating the GPA, grade and remarks again. If user selects "N or n", the program will terminate.


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C/C++ Programming: you are required to prepare a program for
Reference No:- TGS0443258

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