
you are required to make a class of wordpuzzle

You are required to make a class of WordPuzzle, which is basically a game of finding words inside a 2d-array of characters. The class needs to take rows and columns as arguments and allocate a character array of required dimensions. The character array is then to be filled with the 2d-array provided in the input file.

The class should also contain findWord function, which should take a word and check if the word appears HORIZONTALLY or VERTICALLY in the array. The starting position of the word should be returned by a call to a separate function get Position. Following is a simple class definition for you to start with.

class WordPuzzle{
// constructor - also initializes array with random characters
WordPuzzle (int rows, int cols);
// find the specified word in the 2d-array
bool findWord (char *word);
// gets the position of the word last found
bool getPosition (int& row, int& col , char& dir);
// whatever you need

Input/ Output Requirements: There is one input file for this problem, which contains dimension (row, col) in the first line. The second line contains the given 2dArray of characters. This will be followed a list of words line by line. The output file contains the word, position and direction line by line as in the input file.

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Computer Engineering: you are required to make a class of wordpuzzle
Reference No:- TGS0210694

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