
You are required to identify and describe an intelligence

This is not your ordinary "essay" midterm. For the midterm project you will deliver two intelligence collection plans (a tactical and a separate strategic collection plan).

You are expected to deliver in .ppt or .doc format a table that is a matrix of potential intelligence targets and collection methods (feel free to break down major methods of collection, like SIGINT, into their components: ELINT, COMINT, MASINT, TELINT, etc.).

You are asked to submit two matrices: one that deals with tactical intelligence and one that deals with strategic intelligence.

You are required to identify and describe an intelligence question (of your choice) that drives each of these matrices.

Remember what you learned early on in this class: clarity in the intelligence question is the most important element of collection planning.

Your grade will be based on the following rubric and I recommend you make a check list to be sure you have:

1) the primary intelligence question or requirement identified (in two separate strategic and tactical matrices),

2) you've listed your sub-questions or component information requirements(PIRs/EEIs),

3) listing of targets of collection, and tie the targets to the PIRs,

5) identify what collection mechanisms you will recommend for each target, and

6) provide an estimate of the expected effectiveness of the collection to successfully collect the information needed

(NOTE: a project that is does not pursue the purpose of this assignment--intelligence collection planning--will be considered "off-topic" and zero points granted)

Each matrix should not extend beyond one page (which means that your mid-term will not be longer than 2 pages). This means you need to make a judgment about what targets you want to include on your matrix (some are probably not worthy of much consideration).

You should also, on a scale of 1-10, rate the effectiveness of that particular target-collection method combination (this evaluation will be relative and not perfect, but it is important to get a grasp on effectiveness of certain target-collection combinations.

You are welcome to display your matrix in any graphical fashion that you like. Any creativity you bring to this assignment in your layout should be there to help you make your point.

Be sure to label your columns and rows clearly. You are welcome to use font size 8 in the matrix in order to include additional description or you run short on space.

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Dissertation: You are required to identify and describe an intelligence
Reference No:- TGS02438908

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