
you are required to design and document the

You are required to design and document the hardware design for Lift Control Unit (LCU) as required by the questions/specification in section 2 above, based on a 68HC12D60 microcontroller.

Drawing of circuit diagrams using CAD  IS NOT REQUIRED, but if you have experience with a suitable CAD package you may use it. Clear manually drawn diagrams are sufficient, but you must draw with a ruler and ink on the final copy (especially if you plan to scan it).

You must draw your own circuits. DO NOT use photocopies, scans or parts of circuits from any  other circuit diagrams,  with the exception that  the pin outs  for  individual  integrated circuits may be copied from data sheets or the study materials. You may use cut and paste methods to assemble components onto A4 or A3 size sheets and link them with clearly drawn circuit connections. A sheet containing typical components will be provided for this.

For  the HC12 microcontroller  you may use a  copy of the  block diagram  for the 80pin or 112pin version of the HC12 from page 29 or 30, from of the MC68HC912D60A.pdf technical manual provided on the course CD.

You may  only select integrated circuit components from those provided in the  course study materials, particularly:

An HC12 D60A microcontroller 

The 74xxx series of logic devices. (see Appendix D) 

The 27xx and 6xxx series of memory devices. (see Module 5) 

Any discrete components  used,  such as resistors, capacitors etc,  should have  approximate values specified.

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Electrical Engineering: you are required to design and document the
Reference No:- TGS0209308

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