
You are required to critically analyse an existing policy

BSBHRM506: Assessment 1

What you have to do

You are required to critically analyse an existing policy and procedures framework for recruitment, selection and induction in your chosen organisation or STAR Industries.

A critical analysis considers and evaluates a piece of work to make a judgement about how effectively it meets its required purpose, i.e. are existing recruitment, selection and induction practices guided by an effective policy and procedure framework. 

Format: For this task prepare a FORMAL REPORT to senior management.  Use the Report Writing Guide format which you can find on the OLS under the Assessment tab for this unit.


Critical Analysis of a policy and procedure framework for recruitment, selection and induction.

1. In the introduction to your report write a brief description of your organisation.  Outline:

i. the nature of the business

ii. its design and structure

iii. the strategic and operational goals and the

iv. organisational climate. 

Answer questions 2 and 3 in the body of your report.

2. Review and analyse the current Recruitment, Selection and induction policy by addressing the following points. 

i. Locate the recruitment, selection and induction policy and procedures for the organisation (attach a copy of the organisation's Recruitment, Selection and Induction Policy as Appendix 1 to your report).

ii. Identify legislation, regulations, standards and codes of practice relevant to Recruitment, Selection and Induction.

3. If any points in question 2 are not covered in the policy, then outline what needs to be included in revised recruitment, selection and induction policy and procedures.

4. Use the Evaluation Checklist below, to critically analyse the organisation's current Recruitment, Selection and Induction practices (attach this as Appendix 2 to your report). 

5. In the recommendations section of your report, summarise the data collected in questions 3 and 4 and provide recommendations to present to senior managers to improve the organisation's Recruitment Selection and Induction policy and procedure framework.

6. As part of implementing these recommendations prepare a plan (use the dot points below as headings) which outlines:

a. a  communicationstrategythat identifies

i. everyone who should be awareof thepolicy,

ii. the communication methods used and

iii. timeframe.

b. a process to trial any new procedures and documentation that supports recommended changes

c. methods to gain feedback from all the stakeholders involved in the Recruitment, Selection and Induction process on the extent the recruitment, selection and induction processes meet its objectives

Policy and Procedures




Policy Statement - In addition to their workplace orientation, all new employees shall participate in a structured STAR Industries Induction Program as soon as possible after the commencement of their employment.

Policy Objective - By participating in the Induction Program new employees will gain an understanding of:

  • STAR Industries' commitment to them
  • their importance to STAR Industries
  • their responsibilities to STAR Industries
  • the systems that support them
  • where to access the information they will need.

This process facilitates the integration of new employees into STAR Industries, and enables them to achieve competent performance in an optimum time frame.


When the HR Department receives job offer acceptances, new recruits are enrolled on the first Induction and Orientation Program after they start work with STAR Industries.

This program is a three-hour session coordinated by HR and held in our corporate training headquarters in Sydney.

The program includes:

  • Introductions to key personnel of STAR Industries
  • An overview of the history, vision, mission and values of the organisation
  • Details of employee benefits
  • Explanation of STAR Industries' Code of Conduct

Supervisors should follow-up with employees after their participation in the program to ensure that all questions are answered and that employees are clear about the organisation's expectations of them.

Policy and Procedures




Policy Statement - The recruitment and selection of new employees at STAR Industries will at all times conform to 'best practice' standards and comply with relevant legislative and regulatory requirements. This policy covers activities such as recruitment and selection methods, outsourcing, advertising, notification of selection outcomes and feedback to all candidates, and remuneration offers.

Policy Objective - The purpose of this policy and related procedures is to ensure that STAR Industries is adequately and appropriately staffed by people who best meet the requirements for vacant positions. Commitment to Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) ensures that all activities related to recruitment and selection are free of direct and indirect discrimination and harassment.

Procedures - Recruitment

- Approval for recruitment

When the requirement to replace or appoint additional staff is identified, the manager to whom the position reports (Department Manager) must complete a Personnel Request Form and forward it to the Human Resources Department. A job description must be written or reviewed by the Manager in conjunction with HR to ensure that it is accurate and current. The HR Department will establish an appropriate salary level for new and revised positions.

- Commencement of recruitment activity

On receipt of the appropriately authorised Personnel Request Form, the HR Department will initiate recruitment activity to fill the vacant position. HR Department representatives will liase with the Department Manager to determine the most appropriate sourcing of external applicants. Recruitment methods may include:

  • advertising the vacant position in metropolitan or national newspapers
  • radio advertising
  • advertisements or 'advertorial' input in trade or professional publications
  • internal advertising
  • review of previously received applications (both solicited and unsolicited) held on STAR HR files.

- Advertising

Advertisements for vacant positions should adhere to relevant legislative requirements. These advertisements should be placed in appropriate metropolitan newspapers with due regard for effectiveness of timing, placement and cost. The Department Manager should approve all advertising orders.

- Outsourcing

In certain circumstances it may be advisable to consider outsourcing the recruitment of particular positions to an external recruitment agency. These circumstances may include:

  • where the number of positions to be filled requires time and resources not available within STAR Industries HR Department
  • when a suitable candidate for a position cannot be found within a reasonable time using standard search methods
  • for high-level positions, eg General Manager to CEO
  • if the position(s) to be filled requires the recruiter to have a particular or specialist knowledge of the requirements of the vacant position not otherwise available within STAR Industries, eg IT Design Specialist.
  • if it can be demonstrated that an external agency may have access to quality candidates not otherwise available to STAR Industries
  • if it can be demonstrated that outsourcing the recruitment for a position would be more efficient and cost effective, while still ensuring that process quality is maintained or improved.

STAR Industries will only use external recruitment agencies that guarantee EEO compliance. The HR Department will coordinate the use of all such agencies.

- Processing applications

All applications will be forwarded to the HR Department. A nominated HR Officer will be responsible for handling an approved vacancy and liasing with the Department Manager and applicants. The HR Officer will assist the Department Manager by screening the applications and identifying a short list of suitable candidates for interview. Unsuccessful applicants will not be notified until after the first round of interviews has been successfully completed. These applicants are to be notified briefly, in writing, without justification of the decision regarding their application.


- Selection processes

Short-listed applicants will normally be required to participate in a selection process. Selection processes will be determined by the HR Officer in consultation with the Department Manager, and may include:

  • behavioural interviews
  • competency assessment, eg role-plays, case studies, written or verbal occupational tests
  • psychometric testing (to be approved by the HR General Manager).

- Selection panel

Wherever possible the Selection panel should consist of at least two people - the Department Manager and the HR Officer. The HR Officer will brief the other members of the panel on selection techniques. At least one member of the Selection panel will have attended interview and selection skills training and/or EEO-awareness training. This person is responsible for controlling the selection process.

- Consistent treatment of applicants

All applicants should be treated consistently, using the same specifications and job-related questions and assessment criteria.

- Interview questions

Questions on EEO principles and occupational health and safety relevant to the position requirements will be included in all interviews for management and supervisory positions.

- Documentation

Assessment of the applicants together with the Selection panel's recommendations must be documented on the Selection Panel Summary Form and returned to the HR Department, where they will be handled in accordance with STAR's Privacy Policy.

- Reference checks

Following selection processes and before a job offer is made, reference checks must be conducted on all recommended applicants by the HR Department.

- Notification of selection outcomes

When notifying candidates of the outcome of an application, rejection letters should not be sent out until after the first round of interviews with candidates have been held.

No feedback is to be given to unsuccessful candidates regarding the quality of their written application or interview performance, or the reasons for the decisions made by the Selection panel.

Offers of employment will be made in writing when all selection procedures have been completed. The letter of offer will contain details of standard conditions of employment and any special conditions relating to the position. The applicant must return a signed copy of the letter of offer formally accepting the position.

Salary offers in most cases will be determined by the HR Department and must clearly demonstrate equity in relation to positions at a similar level.

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Management Theories: You are required to critically analyse an existing policy
Reference No:- TGS01485695

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