
You are required to consider whether the care plan met

Integrating the Science and Practice of Nursing

Task 1

You are asked to provide an overview of the person from your case study, the altered physiology of their health condition and the impact this health condition has on the person's quality of life. You will discuss the process undertaken when planning care, and refer to the theory, evidence, and policy which underpin this process. You also need to evaluate the specific care planning process in relation to one aspect of care from your case study and critically reflect on the care outcomes. Finally, you will reflect on how service user/patient and values of care, compassion, privacy and dignity were maintained throughout the care delivery process.

Part A

Using your experience from practice, focus on a person you have been involved in caring for. Using evidence based sources, give a comprehensive overview of the selected health condition, including prevalence and possible causes.

- Select an individual in whose care you have participated

- Give a short introduction to the person, and their context of care

Using evidence-based sources, give a comprehensive overview of the individuals health problem including prevalence and possible causes. This could be either a long-term condition, acute condition or a patient at the end of life. The following are suggestions, but you may choose a suitable alternative:

Adult Field: Dementia, Diabetes, Hypovolemic Shock, Cancer.|

Child Field: Asthma, Diabetes Type 1, Bronchiolitis, Cystic Fibrosis

Mental Health Field: Depression, psychosis, Anxiety, Anorexia Nervosa.

- You will need to explain the altered physiology of the health condition.

- You will need to discuss the impact the health condition has on the person's quality of life

Part B

Demonstrate your knowledge and understanding of the care planning process. You will need to focus on ONE aspect of the patients care plan in detail and evaluate care outcomes: For example, you might choose to focus on one of the following:

Adult field: mouth care, indwelling catheter care, pain management. wound care,

Child field: Meeting elimination needs, meeting nutritional needs, intravenous fluid therapy and access, pain management.
Mental health field: medication, nutritional needs, mood

You are required to consider whether the care plan met service user/patient needs, discuss the reasons why or why not, and if required, describe how the plan of care needed to be amended. You will refer to relevant theory/evidence to support your evaluation.

In order to achieve this, you will need to consider some of the following issues:

- Nursing models and their relevance to the care planning process

- The concept of holistic service user and carer-centred care planning

- Strategies which support evidence based care plans and best practice such as care protocols and integrated care pathways and frameworks

- Key policy drivers or clinical guidelines, including: NICE (National Institute for Health and Care Excellence) Pathways,

https://pathways.nice.org.uk/ RCN Care pathway


- Other local and national key drivers, protocols and guidance.

NB: You do not need to include all of the above: just those most relevant to the client you have chosen which enable you to discuss the process used to plan their care.

You will need to reflect on how service user and/or carer involvement, and values of care, compassion, privacy and dignity were maintained within the care delivery process

Consider whether the care plan/pathway enabled service user/centred care delivery. It might be worth considering key documents such as the 6Cs and the NHS constitution,

In order to consider whether the care plan/pathway enabled service user/carer centred care delivery

As in all assignments:

- In order to ensure confidentiality, please use an assumed name for your selected service user(s) and refrain from including any details through which a reader could identify the service user, the care location or staff. You should clearly state within your work that you have done this.

- Structure your work logically, providing an introduction and conclusion, using double-spacing and page numbers throughout.

- You do not have to use headings.

- Use the Sheffield Hallam University referencing system: please refer to the guide to referencing and citations.


The Student will be able to:

1. Clearly articulate and apply key bioscience concepts underpinning health and ill health.

2. Apply advancing essential care skills and planning for safe, effective Relationship Centred health and social care.

3. Analyse theoretical and practical principles and the relevant evidence base which informs decision making required for planning care in acute, recovery and end of life care.

4. Demonstrate NMC competencies to meet the requirements of progression part 2 and essential care skills required for practice, against the NMC Domains: Professional Values and Nursing Practice and Decision Making. (OAR)

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Dissertation: You are required to consider whether the care plan met
Reference No:- TGS01571396

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