You are required to choose a current taxation ruling about a specific concept/issue that we address in this unit ACC00717. Your ruling must be different to other students.
Using the ruling you have selected, you must make a 750 word post to the Discussion Board (titled"Online Posts"). This post must include the following;
- The number and title of your ruling (in the thread/subject heading)
- A summary of the ruling (in your words, not copied)
- A statement about which area of the tax law the ruling applies to (i.e. which concept/issue studied in ACC00717)
- An example of how the ruling operates or applies to individuals or small business taxpayers only
- An explanation of the importance and relevance of the ruling to the specific concept/issue studied in ACC00717, as well as the legal status of the ruling
- Bibliographic detail of where you sourced the ruling (this does not form part of the 750 word limit).