Resource: Week 3 Case Study document
Select one of the scenarios in the Case Study document and write a 350- to 700-word negative message to the stated audience, employing the strategies learned in Ch. 8. Make sure to include the following in your message:
Discussion of the channel(s) or media with which the message would be ultimately communicated to the affected group(s), as well as the timing of distribution through these channels/media.
Apply appropriate APA formatting. Make sure to have a title page and reference page.
Submit your message and channel analysis as a Microsoft® Word document using the Assignment Files tab.
Please use one of the following case studies as the basis for your Week 3 assignment on crafting negative messages:
1. You are part of the Public Relations department for a major chemical manufacturer. Your main plant is located in an area that was entirely industrial when the plant was originally constructed in the late 1950s, but has recently been redeveloped to be primarily residential. The neighbors are concerned about rumors that toxic substances are leaking into the groundwater, and have put pressure on a state Senator to get the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to investigate. The EPA study was generally favorable to the company, but identified a crack in a holding pond that was allowing traces of heavy metals to leach into the surrounding soil that are well within established emissions limits. The company has filed a formal remediation plan with the EPA, but nearby residents remain concerned. Generate a message to reassure the key stakeholders that the company is acting in their interests to correct the issue, and reassure them that there is no health risk associated with the plant's continued operation.