You are looking to make capital improvements that will increase revenue and profitability of your minor league baseball team. The ownership group has carved out $2 million to spend on capital projects and wants to see return on investment within five years. The cost of capital for the organization is 10%. One option is the construction of a new $1.8 million scoreboard. The new scoreboard has a discounted payback period of 5.5 years, modified internal rate of return of 11%, and net present value of $50,000. The second project would eliminate seating in a grassy lawn in the outfield and turn it into a premium seating area fit for group outings of all sizes. The premium seating project would cost $ 1.1 million and has a discount payback period of 3.9 years, modified internal rate of return of 17%, and a net present value of $500,000. The final option is to turn an open grass area adjacent to the stadium that currently serves as an open greenscape into a parking garage. The parking garage would cost $750,000 and has a discounted payback period of 4.0 years, modified internal rate of return of 15%, and net present value of $100,000. Discuss the course of action that you should take and defend your answer.