
You are looking to develop a life presentation of yourself

Assignment: Life Presentation Powerpoint

Scenario: You are looking to develop a Life presentation of yourself, in which you highlight your qualities, skills, experiences, etc - at a personal and/or professional level. This presentation could be used to introduce yourself to people you would like to know better on an informal basis - or as a way to present yourself in a professional setting to help market your skills and qualifications to potential employers. You are looking to develop this presentation as a way to convey information about yourself personally and/or professionally through various social media outlets.

Prepare an 8-10 slide Microsoft PowerPoint presentation saved under the following naming convention: LastnameFirstnameW4. Using student John Doe as an example: DoeJohnW4. At a minimum, the following information must be included:

* Your contact information - besides your name (i.e. address, e-mail, phone)

- Does not have to be your real contact info if you do not want to disclose

* Your life goals (personal and/or professional)

* Your life skills (personal and/or professional)

* Your life interests or hobbies

Include the following in your presentation using the features of PowerPoint:

* A slide template
* Two different slide layouts
* At least one image
* At least one example of animation

Please Note:

* Do not exceed the maximum number of slides by more than 4 slides
* Speaker notes are not needed in the PowerPoint presentation.

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Dissertation: You are looking to develop a life presentation of yourself
Reference No:- TGS02190928

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