
You are interested in the stock market create a

You are interested in the stock market. First, you need to research the historical prices for a particular stock, such as Amazon. Click the Historical Prices link. Copy the stock data (date, high, low, open, close, volume) for a six-month period and paste it in a new workbook, adjusting the column widths to fit the data. Display data for only the first date listed for each month: delete rows containing data for other dates. Sort the list from oldest date to the newest date. Use Help if needed to learn how to sort data and how to create a Volume-Open-High-Low-Close chart. Then rearrange the data columns in the correct sequence. Format the data and column labels.

Insert a row to enter the company name and insert another row to list the company’s stock symbol, such as AMZN. Copy the URL from the Web browser and paste it as a source below the list of data and the date you obtained the data. Merge the cells containing the company name and stock symbol through the last column of data and word-wrap the URL.

Create a Volume-Open-High-Low-Close chart on a new chart sheet named Stock Chart. Type an appropriate chart title. Set the primary vertical axis (left side) unit measurement to millions and include an axis title Volume in Millions. Include a secondary vertical axis (right side) title Stock Prices. Apply the Currency number style with the 0 decimal places for the secondary axis values. Change the font size to 11 and the font color to Black, Text 1 on the vertical axes and category axis. Hide the legend.

Use Help to research how to insert text boxes. Insert a text box that describes the stock chart: white fill rectangles indicate the closing price was higher than the opening price; black fill rectangles indicate the closing price was lower than the opening price; etc.

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Financial Management: You are interested in the stock market create a
Reference No:- TGS02646659

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