
You are in the business of learning to be a better manager

Freelancers Union

Case analysis is on Freelancers Union please read attached PDF and document guidelines for assignment need 1-2 pages no plagiarism.

Writing Your Case Analysis

You are in the business of learning to be a better manager. You want build skills that will help you be more effective. In this course, we will practice doing the kind of analysis and writing that managers must do. So you must analyze the case, but no analysis is worthwhile unless it is written and presented effectively. I would like you to write cases as you would write in a business setting. Traditional student papers and reports are not the best practice for writing as a manager. Thus your written report should reflect both skilled analysis and a sensitivity to writing for business audiences. For example, you need to be aware of the reactions (to both the substance and style of presentation) of those who would read your report or hear your presentation.

For these case analyses, take the role of a key actor advising another key actor, or an outside consultant advising a key decision maker in the case. You will not be writing case reports in your managerial careers; you will be writing business reports and analyses, which have a different set of requirements.

Here are some ideas for you to consider in writing reports like this:

     * Consider the political realities in the case. You may think the president of the company is incompetent, but if you are writing a report which may be circulated within the company, you would not use such language or tone.

     * Show that you have done a thorough analysis of the problem. Convince people of the quality of your analysis. Your assumptions and the basis for them should be explicit and clear.

     * Your writing should be clear and to the point. Your writing, formatting and document design should all help you effectively communicate your analysis and recommendations.

    * There is no need to restate details in the analysis. Only the information necessary to

effectively make your argument should be provided.

    * Think about how you would package your analysis. How would you write the cover memo?

How would you write the executive summary?

A. Here is a set of guidelines for business analytic writing.

   1. Analyze your purpose and audience. Who will read your report? What are your objectives?

   2. Generate ideas. You need to develop an analysis. The key elements were covered earlier in this paper in the section on case analysis. Have you made effective use of your course materials in the analysis? Maybe a SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats) analysis is appropriate and would be helpful.

   3. Organize your information. Organize your information and categorize it so you can control your information and data effectively. Use the tools word processing or desk top publishing software provide to effectively highlight critical points and issues.

   4. Develop an effective and persuasive sequence of your ideas.

   5. Write a first draft. Circulate it in your group.

   6. Edit and rewrite for simplicity, clarity and brevity. Thoreau once wrote "Sorry I wrote such a long letter, I didn't have time to write a short one."

B. Your report should clearly present four elements to the reader.

   1. A clear succinct statement of the problem(s). The problem statement should reflect the core issues in the case you are going to address. It reflects the analysis you have done, rather than the surface issues often presented in any business problem.

   2. An analysis which identifies the root cause(s) of the problems identified. This is the most difficult and critical section.  Your goal for this element is to clearly show why the identified problem exists. If you have done a good job here, the rest of your work will be far easier.

   3. Given the problem and the root causes of the problem, you can identify what your goals are in the situation. Such goals or objectives should be clearly stated. You should indicate how you would know that the goal was achieved; e.g., how would you measure goal attainment. When the goals are attained, then we can know if the problems identified have been solved.

   4. The management actions required to move towards achieving a problem solution. These have to be specific. For example, saying that two people "should cooperate" is inadequate. What is required is clearly stating the actions and conditions which will increase the chances two people will cooperate. What will you do? What will you say?

     Be sure your recommendations are consistent with your analysis, and meet the requirements for solving the problem. Evaluate your recommendations for both their costs and their risks. Be sure to consider implementation.

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Other Subject: You are in the business of learning to be a better manager
Reference No:- TGS01508390

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