You are going to implement a binary addition module in Javascript (as part of the exam). This will be a Linked List (a Stack works well for this) implementation with two functions addBit() and print(). AddBit will go to the last node in the list.
- If the value of that node is null or 0 - then it will flipped.
- If the value of the node is 1, it will be changed to 0, and the node before it will flipped.
- Flipping a Node;
> If the value is 0 or null, it becomes 1
> If the value is 1, it becomes 0 and the preceding node is flipped.
- If there is no preceding node (top of stack) - a node is pushed onto the stack with value 1.
The counter should give the following values each time a bit is added (you can go left to right or right to left);
1 1
0,1 1,0
1,1 1,1
0,0,1 1,0,0
1,0,1 1,0,1
0,1,1 1,1,0
1,1,1 1,1,1
0,0,0,1 1,0,0,0
Implement in Fiddle - you can use your own Stack code or use the stack functions built into the Javascript array. Paste the Fiddle code here and the URL.
The program should have a single button addBit and should output the contents of the Stack each time.