You are given the network. Using the specification below subnet the network.
- Lab A- 50 hosts
- Lab B -20 hosts
Network Address
Subnet Mask
Broadcast Address
Lab B
Network Address
Subnet Mask
Broadcast Address
- G0/0 Lab Router -Should be assigned the first available IP address from Lab A
- G0/1 Lab Router- Should be assigned the first available IP address from Lab B
- PC Lab A- Should be assigned the last available IP address from Lab A
- PC Laptop A- Should be assigned any unused IP address from Lab A
- PC Lab B- Should be assigned the last available IP address from Lab B
- PC Laptop B- Should be assigned any unused IP address from Lab B
Complete the following chart with the above information
IP Address
Subnet Mask
G0/0 Lab Router
G0/1 Lab Router
PC Lab A
PC Laptop A
PC Lab B
PC Laptop B