Question: Please complete the following:
1. You are given a transaction dataset that is very similar to your term project but smaller - all the variables names have the same meaning. Please complete the industry analysis (on industry level sales trend across 3 years, seasonality, pricing pattern, and channel use).
2. Please identify the top 3 companies and compare their sales trend, pricing patterns, channel uses on a monthly level.
3. Please add zipcode level median income information to this dataset (with a vlookup function), and then describe each of the top 3 companies' customer base. Which of them are selling to more affluent neighborhood?
4. Please use each of the top 3 companies' 2005 data to label their top, medium and bottom group of customers (you need to do this one by one for each company).
1. For the 2006-07 period, what proportion of sales were from old vs. new customers for each firm?
2. For the 2006-07 period, where did each firm's top group of customers go? Did they leave the industry? Or they were still buying but just buying from others?