
You are currently working for the seaside city police

You are currently working for the Seaside City Police Department and have been assigned to Administrative Services. Currently, Seaside City Police Department accepts applications from potential new hires. If they do well in the interview, they're hired! There is not a background check or anything further that is typically required to hire a police officer.

In your new assignment, you have been tasked with completely changing the recruitment and selection process for the agency. The only requirement - it has to be a completely realistic and working program that any police department could legitimately use. For this exercise, you will submit the following. You can either type it in a document and attach the document or submit it directly into the text submission box.

Your submission will describe what the new selection process for the Seaside City PD will be. I have included a very short example to help you. Your submission must be YOUR OWN WORK.

You can use pieces of my example, but please make it your own. There are no minimum requirements regarding the number of words or quantity.

I'm looking for well thought out information. If I could legitimately implement your selection requirements at any PD, you have done your job. As you can see below, you don't need to write in paragraphs. Bullet points within various categories of the process are just fine. As long as the submission flows and I can understand what you are asking from the applicants, you have the correct format.


Minimum Requirements:

21 years old

Valid GA driver's license, or ability to obtain one...(there should be a lot more here)

Application Process:

Submit application

Assigned to an Investigator

Background investigation, including home and neighborhood visits ..(there should be more here)

Selection Process:

Written exam

Physical Ability Test.(there should be more here)

Finally, do not be afraid to look at a few police department's selection processes to get ideas. I don't want a cut and paste, but you can use information from them.

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Dissertation: You are currently working for the seaside city police
Reference No:- TGS02516694

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