1. You are considering investing in two common stocks. Stock A has an expected return of 11 percent and a standard deviation of 0.151. Stock B has an expected return of 17 percent and a standard deviation of .252. If you invest 46 percent of your funds in Stock A and 54 percent in stock B, and if the correlation between the two stocks is 0.37, what is the portfolios expected return and standard deviation?
A. 15.2% and 0.134
B. 14.2% and 0.206
C. 15.2% and 0.202
D. 13.6% and 0.128
E. 14.2% and 0.174
2. Stock X has an expected return of 9.9% and a beta of 0.7. Stock Y has an expected return of 14.3% and a beta of 1.2. Stock Z has an expected return of 16.8% and a beta of 1.8. The market risk premium is 7% and the risk-free rate is 5%. Which of these stocks is overpriced?
A. Stock X
B. Stock Y
C. Stock Z
D. None, they are all fairly priced.
E. Stock X and Y are overpriced.