
You are basically going to search the web to see if you can


What did I find

Health care professionals learn quickly that health laws change rapidly. The ground is always shifting under the endeavors of health care regulation and compliance.

"What Did I Find?" That will be the question here a as you check the Internet for the latest developments in health care regulation, compliance, and law. Search using keywords such as health care law, health care compliance, medicare, Medicaid, and OIG.

You are basically going to search the web to see if you can find any recent changes/developments in health care regulation, compliance, and law. (USA) You will want to highlight any key findings or maybe something interesting that you found. Since the Trump administration has been in place, there has been a lot of discussion about making changes to the current laws in place. You can try to find something going this route, or you can just see what updates one of the agencies might discuss on their website.

• Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS)
• Centers for Medicare and Medicaid (CMS)
• Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
• Office of the Inspector General (Federal and State) (OIG)
• Joint Commission (JACHO)
• Health reports on the website of CNN news.
• Health news on the website of MSN news.

Again, the goal is to get you to be more aware of current events and changes in health care regulation that are taking place. Try to find an update on one of the sites or a topic of interest in regulation/compliance. Go ahead an discuss your findings, where you located the information, and your thoughts.

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Dissertation: You are basically going to search the web to see if you can
Reference No:- TGS02757455

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