
You are asked to make some measurements of microwaves using

You are asked to make some measurements of microwaves using a "polarizing grid" consisting of metal wires. Since an electric field does not penetrate a conductor, linearly polarized microwave radiation will pass through the grid most easily when (more than one answer can be correct): a)The wires are oriented at 45° to the oscillating electric field. b) The wires are parallel to the oscillating electric field, but less than 50% of the radiation is stopped. c)The radiation cannot be stopped by a wire grid at all. d)The wavelength of the radiation is the same as the spacing between wires. e)The wires are perpendicular (at 90°) to the oscillating electric field. f)The wires can either be parallel or perpendicular to the oscillating electric field. g)The wires are parallel to the oscillating electric field. h)The radiation can only be stopped by a wire grid if a polaroid is also used. i)The wavelength of the radiation is the same as the width of the entire grid.

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Physics: You are asked to make some measurements of microwaves using
Reference No:- TGS0817325

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