
You are adding to databases of information by every click

Assignment - Issues Surrounding Big Data

Now that you are familiar with how data and databases organize information we will look deeper into the idea of how "Big Data" impacts you and future business practices.

You are adding to databases of information by every click of your mouse. What impact do you feel this data will have on your privacy etc?

Facebook was fined and made an example of for misuse of data. Cambridge Analytica makes huge profits from harvesting data and organizing for it's intended use.

Most 'Big Data' that is tracked does things like help you navigate traffic better, give you choices when shopping for a particular item, suggest alternative ways to phrase things that might give you better results in your searches, marketing data to see what products consumers are drawn to and other possibly useful information.

So is it against your rights to be collecting this information? How are we dealing with this influx of digital data and it's ability to be harvested and sold without our knowledge? What impacts do you feel this is having on how business runs and how it is organized and secured to prevent identity theft, fraud, and other potentially hazardous consequences?

Write at least a 200 word response analyzing this concept. Try to reference any external research (videos, articles) and information from your text in your response. You are also welcome to submit a video or other file to demonstrate your understandings.

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Database Management System: You are adding to databases of information by every click
Reference No:- TGS02907779

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